Statue Legend Series 55th edition !! that di Moruto Bene shoots
Than [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1], [Will åá A åá Zeppeli] lineup !!
Is appeared in poses that the image of a figure standing on the surface of the water by the ripples energy ~Tsu !!
Chunky and the physique and tension of a fingertip, silk hat which is a feature, we have elaborate reproduced to coat Hirugae~tsu !!
Than [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1], [Will åá A åá Zeppeli] lineup !!
Is appeared in poses that the image of a figure standing on the surface of the water by the ripples energy ~Tsu !!
Chunky and the physique and tension of a fingertip, silk hat which is a feature, we have elaborate reproduced to coat Hirugae~tsu !!