GGG Mobile Suit Gundam Lalah Sune Gundam Girls Generation (GGG) is a three-dimensional version of the successive female characters of the Gundam series on a scale of approximately 1/8. This time, a new type girl "Lalah Sune" will appear as a pre-colored finished product from the first series "Mobile Suit Gundam". The costume reproduces the same one-piece dress as in the play with yellow clear molding and gradation coloring. From the pedestal that imitates the mobile armor exclusively for Lalah, a blue-green clear molding and gradation effect that imaged the aura rises, and Lalah itself is three-dimensionalized in a sitting pose in a zero gravity space. The hem and sleeves of the one-piece dress also reproduce the spread in a zero gravity space, and together with the effect of clear material, create a mysterious feeling of a new type girl that has never been seen before. Content: Painted figure, pedestal
PKG style: Window package
Size: W250×H300×D250mm
Item size: apx.: 230mm